Kathie Melocco - Health Activism

Blog dedicated to Social Justice and Health and Wellbeing Activism

June 29, 2012

Making an appointment to see the doctor gets easier at last!

Have you ever wondered why it is so hard to make an appointment with your doctor when you really need it? It is often after hours when you realise you need to make that appointment ASAP. I was reminded of this only recently when my son asked me to make a time to see a doctor about a rash on his back. Not urgent, but it required a quick visit to the GP for a script nevertheless. Of course my son's prompt was at 8.00pm at night and our doctor's surgery was closed. A quick after hours call to the surgery got a frustrating voicemail message to call back the next day....

How is it that we can make travel bookings online, do our banking online and at our convenience, yet something as basic as organising a visit to our doctor is still so frustrating!

Recently I've been working with a great organisation called 1stAvailable. They have launched a national appointment booking platform - one destination for all your healthcare appointments - enabling doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, chiropractors and other allied health professionals to publish their first available appointment using the site www.1stAvailable.com.au

It's built with both the patient and the clinician in mind. Launched to healthcare professionals in April 2012 it has already attracted a significant number of health practitioners and is now in beta consumer – As a blogger we’d love you to try it.

What you need to do
You need to register first and then search for a local health care practitioner near you to make an appointment. You can search up to 250km for appointments, which is really useful for country folk. Yes, 1stAvailable listened to country people and the frustration they have in making healthcare appointments when and as they need them.

But we need your help to make this available to all Australians
Like most things – change is often difficult for many of us. In Australia, healthcare is known for being slow to adapt to new trends. It’s not because healthcare practitioners don’t want to help but it’s just not on their radar. They are so busy running their practices and looking after patients that they haven’t really had time to think about how frustrating it is for us patients at times to make an appointment with them.

If you identify with this and would like to help make this service available to all Australians we’d love you to consider writing a blog post about your experiences of not being able to get an appointment when you needed it, even delaying treatment because of the experience. We need your voice. It’s not about making anyone wrong, it’s just about life is so busy for us all and with technology meant to enhance our lives, it’s all about being, Quick. Easy. Simple.

If you are like me, a mum who often finds herself with sick children on the weekends or later at night when my doctor is closed, you’ll identify with this scenario. Even making time during the day for booking my regular health checks as a woman can get sidetracked by other pressing business. I usually only have time after hours to think about and plan these things. It’s a recurring situation for just about everyone I talk with.

BTW – 1stAvailable already has over 1000 practitioners Australia wide already signed up – no small feat. Even a practice in Alice Springs has committed.

However if you can’t find an appointment near you and perhaps notice your health care provider or doctor isn’t using the system you can hit the nominate to join button on the site and lend your voice to the cause.

We’ve created a special badge you can wear on your site if you wish or add to your post – please feel free to download it at www.1stAvailable.com.

And if you are at Blogopolis today come and introduce yourself to us at our stand, your voice is very important to us, we want to hear your views and experiences.

Kathie Melocco

During the day - Kathie is Marketing Director for 1stAvailable - a game changing  way consumers will access and make their health  care appointments.
Blogger, Mum, Passionate Marketer for 1stAvailable.com.au

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