Kathie Melocco - Health Activism

Blog dedicated to Social Justice and Health and Wellbeing Activism

November 03, 2012

GP's Are The Key To Online Appointments Succeeding In Australia

Over the next few days we will review a number of the new online health appointment booking services currently entering the Australian market. As Health Activists we believe this review is necessary to ensure that the best appointment systems enter our healthcare market considering both the practitioner and patient alike.

Today, we share an excellent post written by Dr Calin Pava for Docappointments who gives a valuable insight into the role all online health appointment booking services need to fulfil. It goes far beyond making an appointment and being compared to the convenience of online travel or banking services. Sure, convenience and practice productivity is a win/win for both patient and doctor but as Dr. Calin illustrates so too is continuity of care with your GP. Critical clinical information must be considered or else we are in danger of a new online tool that rather than helping the healthcare system may just hinder it.

Online appointments from a patient’s perspective
By Dr. Calin Pava

Case 1:

A 26-year-old mother with an unwell child at 4am, mother considering her options.
1. Give the child panadol, fluids, and take the child to the Emergency Department.
2. Ring the ambulance, have the paramedics assess the child and may/may not decide to transport the patient to the Emergency Department.
3. Wait until 8.30am and try to ring doctors surgery to get an urgent appointment for the child.
4. Go to the the surgery’s website and make an early appointment with the family doctor. Mother is reassured that she can see the family doctor quickly and doesn’t need to visit the hospital or ring the after hours service.

Case 2:

58-year-old diabetic patient has regular appointments with the family doctor, for review of blood sugar and diabetes management. The patient has an appointment at a given time and date which was made at the time of his previous visit to the surgery. Due to an unforseen circumstance the patient cannot attend the appointment.
1. The patient tries to ring the surgery and discuss with the receptionist to try to get another appointment. Significant time wasted for the patient and receptionist tries to find an alternative appointment time.
2. The patient does not ring, he does not attend the appointment, the doctor loses productive time and the patient misses an opportunity to discuss his condition.
3. The patient goes to the surgery’s web site or accesses online appointments from his iPhone, reviews a number of available appointments, chooses one that is available and convenient, and automatically his appointment is changed to the new time.

Do you have patients who might fit one of these scenarios?

Do your patients have all these options?

In many of these cases, or situations similar to those illustrated above, online appointments have the capacity of providing the patient with reassurance, and easy access to their doctor.

One of the main dangers of patient’s accessing online appointments is fragmentation of care. There is a significant danger that patients will put convenience before quality care, and online appointments could be seen as encouraging doctor shopping. However a properly designed online appointment system will achieve exactly the opposite. The fact that a patient can make an appointment with a specific doctor, can access those appointments easily, will promote doctor and Practice loyalty improving the quality of care that the patient receives.

There is no argument that one of the most important aspects of primary care is the relationship between a patient and their doctor.

As we are on the brink of electronic health records being introduced, the advantages of a patient’s entire health records being provided by one doctor are more evident. Patients who opt for electronic medical records, will be the ones who are interested in taking some responsibility in their health care. In these cases, their relationship with one doctor who will be nominated as the caretaker of their medical records will become even more important.

We firmly believe that the relationship between a patient and their GP should be encouraged and supported by all means possible. A well-designed online appointments system can strengthen this relationship and provide patients with an unprecedented level of convenience. There will be a benefit to the Practice through increased patient loyalty without any risk to the quality of care provided.

Dr Calin Pava

End Post written by guest blogger Dr Pava

What's a Health Activist?

Health Activists are passionate about raising awareness for health causes, dedicated to finding the best information about health conditions, and relentless in their commitment to help others. They are also adept at using every tool possible to reach their communities, especially through social media.

Each Health Activist has a unique story but most start his or her journey with self-education, empowerment, and understanding about a specific health condition. Through personal experience and by eagerly pursuing knowledge of certain conditions and new technologies available, Health Activists share that knowledge with their communities.

Health Activists answer questions, offer resources, and help bring the sense of empowerment they have found in their own lives outward to others. Health Activists work in different spaces, both online and offline. Some Health Activists are content creators, bloggers, or lead forums, while others hold Twitter chats, or record video tutorials. Some Health Activists have started non-profits, are social entrepreneurs, support groups, or awareness campaigns. Some Health Activists have enacted legislation and are a voice for positive change, while others have created something buzzworthy through social media. All Health Activists are: a voice for their condition, devoted to their health communities, and quality leaders.

Listening to health activist buzz is a valuable tool for brands. Listening and acting upon public sentiment concerns will enable your brand to build engagement, trust and loyalty with health activists.

Disclosure: We have no commercial relationships with Docappointments
