Kathie Melocco - Health Activism

Blog dedicated to Social Justice and Health and Wellbeing Activism

November 16, 2012

Register To Attend Healthivate, The Health Activist Bloggers Conference

e-patient Dave alerted me to this wonderful trailer from a forthcoming US programme and I thought how appropriate to share when describing Healthivate - the health activist bloggers conference happening in Sydney next March 2013. 

It's fascinating, whilst the community discussion is all happening online how is it health care by and large is still slow to embrace this empowering trend. True there are ethics and other considerations but change is a normal part of life and these days the ability to rapidly change and respond to the market is a critical skill in any business. Health is not excluded.

Technology in health is an enabler - what and why we use it is fundamental to our own personal needs. The How we use it is all about innovation - if your are a health care brand and have a powerful message wanting to partner with the consumer or change behaviours or opinions then consider some sort of involvement in HealthivateCollectively this tribal blogging audience has an annual reach of 180 million page views per year. That's a powerful force.

Healthivate is a health activist blogger conference with a focus on Health & Wellbeing to be held in Sydney on Saturday March 2 – Sunday March 3, 2013. Inspired by the burgeoning movement known as Participatory Medicine, the themes Healthivate will encompass include: Eating. Living. Giving. Movement Building. We have secured some awesome speakers including Twitter’s Claire Diaz Ortiz, Professional Blogger Kathryn VercilloLyndey Milan,Sara Leonardi McGrathIngrid Ozols and more. A special highlight will be a surprise guest discussing Social Entrepreneurs in the Health Space. 

Tickets to healthivate are available here.

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